Monday, April 29, 2013

NEWS - North East West South. Oh! You didn't know that is what it stood for??

FOX News, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, Current TV, the list goes on and on! But have you ever wondered: Why so many of them? If they are national news outlets then why do we need more than one?

Well certainly, there is an answer for that! They clearly have their on agendas and their own target audiences!

Moreover, these outlets have a purpose: TO MAKE YOU BELIEVE IN WHAT THEY BELIEVE!
One outlet is dedicated to bash the President, another outlet is dedicated to praise the President. So in this case, does this make them an objective option for your daily viewing? Think about it for a minute!

They go on and on with scare tactics, overblown "breaking news", and opinionated slants that keep this country stirred and worked up. When will the madness stop? The law states that: "The public has the right to know..." Well I say that the public has the right to refuse! I must admit though, the William Randolph Hearts of the world knew what they were doing when they created the yellow journalism craze.

It has followed the steady growth of sleaze and slants for over 115 years! Hopefully, someone will create a medium that will actually bring in objective news without the threat of ratings!

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